Published: February, 15th 2008 HiveBoard
The online shared WhiteBoard Logo

3. Setup the HiveBoard Web Application for Tomcat

At this step, we suppose that the Tomcat server is up and running.

Important: First check that you have the JDBC driver for your SQL engine installed in one of Tomcat common/lib or shared/lib directories. If not, put it there (preferrably in shared/lib).

You need to configure tomcat-context.xml. This file is specific to the Tomcat server, it enables to set a few properties for the Web Application outside the war file. It contains comments on which properties have to be changed before deployment. At the minimum, you will have to change 3 properties in this file:

<Context    path="/hiveboard"
    <Parameter  name="init.hiveboard.props" 
                override="false" />

    <Parameter  name="config.logging" 
                override="false" />

In the sample above, you will have to replace all paths starting with c:/ by the paths (absolute not relative) on your actual environment.

Now all Tomcat server configuration is ready, it is time to start the application on the server.

Launch your favorite browser and type the following URL:


Tomcat will ask you to enter the manager login and password (refer to Tomcat documentation for that).

Then a page is displayed with the list of currently deployed applications. Below the list there is a form titled "**Deploy directory or WAR file located on server**" with 3 input fields:

Tomcat Manager

In the "XML Configuration file URL" input field, enter the absolute path to the tomcat-context.xml file, this should be something like (on Windows):


or (on Unix):


Please note the "file:" prefix of the path (this is so because Tomcat manager expects a URL).

Now click on the "Deploy" button. After a few seconds, the display will be refreshed and should show "/hiveboard" in the list of deployed applications.

Tomcat Manager after deployment